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Updated: Jan 31

Foxy Davison, daughter of Angela Collins, granddaughter of Barbra Brown, and great-granddaughter of Thelma Delespine is a momma of 3 amazing kids and wife of one incredible husband.

She is an educator and activist, serving as community coordinator for the Metropolitan Seattle Sickle Cell Task Force and community outreach coordinator for the Progress House Work Release.

Foxy helps facilitate mindfulness sessions through Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic and is excited to facilitate Finding Calm classes for the Community of Mindful Parenting.

It is estimated that:

  • SCD affects approximately 100,000 Americans.

  • SCD occurs among about 1 out of every 365 African-American births.

  • SCD occurs among about 1 out of every 16,300 Hispanic-American births.

  • About 1 in 13 African-American babies is born with sickle cell trait.

Presentation Notes by Claudia Gutiérrez de Thomas

Presenter Foxy Davison described sickle cell disease (previously known as sickle cell anemia, one of its symptoms) as a genetically inherited disorder. In this, the body`s red blood cells take the shape of a sickle or banana rather than the healthy form of rounded or donut shaped. It occurs mainly in AfroAmericans, but as well in those of Asian descent. In AfroAmericans, one in four people have the traits while about one in a hundred develop the disorder. With the increasing tendencies in marriages of mixed descents and adoptions, the traits appear more frequently, she indicated.

This abnormal shape of the hemoglobin causes them to be damaged and cannot deliver to the brain and other organs enough oxygen to función, causing death of the cells and pain. This inherent pain is one of the indictors of the disorder and a major challange for those that have it, especially in minors transitioning to adults where medical providers cut back or cut off their antipain medications. It can start as early as in infants 6 months of age, after which it develops with their maturing into brain stroke, heart problems and deterioration of limbs, their bones and the major organs,

This mother of a child with sickle cell disorder works to promote awareness of the condition and raises funds for awareness programs, camps with the affected children and their siblings, and retreats for parents of affected children. Those wanting more information can reach her at

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